HolyCoast: Hillary Clinton, American Idol
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Thursday, April 09, 2009

Hillary Clinton, American Idol

I don't remember Condi Rice doing anything like this when she was Secretary of State:

(CNN) – Hillary Clinton's camp is offering up a "once in a lifetime opportunity" to her supporters: American Idol season finale tickets.

In an e-mail sent to online supporters on the former democratic presidential candidate's e-mail list serve, democratic strategist James Carville solicited donations from backers to help Clinton pay off her campaign debt.

A contribution will enter participants in a contest to win one of three prizes: a day attending events with former President Bill Clinton followed by "your own special weekend" in New York City, a lunch and political conversation in DC with Democratic political strategists James Carville and Paul Begala, or the chance to attend the American Idol season finale in Los Angeles.

"Your contribution today not only gives you the chance at winning one of these fantastic prizes - it'll also help our dear friend, Hillary Clinton, pay off the very last of her campaign debt," Carville appeals in the e-mail.

I found this rare photo below of Hillary's never-before-seen American Idol audition:

Go big or go home.

She didn't make it to Hollywood.

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