HolyCoast: Americans Aren't Confidant in Auto Bailout
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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Americans Aren't Confidant in Auto Bailout

Ford is the only one of the Big Three automakers who didn't end up taking bailout money, and Americans are taking note (from Rasmussen):
Most Americans think the Ford Motor Company, the one Big Three automaker who won’t be run by the federal government, has the best chance of staying in business, but they also suspect the government won’t make it easy.

Sixty-one percent (61%) of Americans say Ford is the Big Three auto company which has the best chance of surviving and becoming profitable again, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Just 17% give General Motors the edge, and only five percent (5%) say Chrysler is the company most likely to survive and profit.

Investors are even more bullish on Ford. Sixty-nine percent (69%) say that company has the best chance of returning to profitability. ...

Fifty-one percent (51%) of all Americans say they are more likely to buy a car from Ford because it did not take bailout funding from the government. Twelve percent (12%) say they are less likely to do so, and 33% say the bailouts will have no impact on their car-buying decisions.

In a few years Ford will still be there. GM & Chrysler...not so much.

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