HolyCoast: Death of the GOP Greatly Exaggerated
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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Death of the GOP Greatly Exaggerated

The Grapevine has the details:
Elephant Extinction

Some in the media believe the Republican Party is washed up and dying. Leslie Savan wrote in The Nation earlier this month: "What sort of psychological bent would lead people to want to be part of a dead-end political party like the GOP has become?"

But, a new Gallup poll from May 7 – 10 shows it's not quite that bad for the GOP. Thirty-two percent of participants in the survey identified themselves as Republicans, 32 percent as Democrats, and 34 percent Independents. And if you include Independent "leaners," Republicans and Democrats are also tied at 45 percent between May 7 – 10.

Compared to last month, from April 20 — 21, Republican Party identification has risen five percentage points while Democrats have fallen four. With "leaners" included, the GOP gained six and Democrats lost five.

These things run in cycles, though I think Obama accelerated the up cycle for Dems, and his policies will accelerate the up cycle for the GOP. Not long ago the GOP trailed badly in party identification. Look where they are now less than 150 days into hope and change.

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