HolyCoast: Dumbest Poll of the Day
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dumbest Poll of the Day

From CNN/Opinion Research:
Powell Much More Popular Than Cheney, Limbaugh

Boy, that's gonna be a real problem when Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney run against Colin Powell in the primary.

Except, of course, none of those people are running for anything. The only purpose in this poll is to somehow validate Colin Powell's opinion because he's more popular than the other guys. What tripe.

If there's one thing the pollsters should have learned from November is that you can be really popular and still be really wrong (see OBAMA, BARACK).

Powell's latest mantra is the GOP must open itself up to moderates and not rely on a "narrow" conservative base represented by people like Limbaugh and Cheney. However, when he had the chance to support a moderate GOP candidate, he fled the party and endorsed Barack Obama.

What that tells me is he doesn't really mean what he's saying now, and he endorsed Obama strictly because he was black. If he truly supported a moderate GOP agenda, John McCain should have been just what the Colin ordered.

It was all about the skin color, and after Powell has finished molding the GOP in his image, he'll turn around and support Obama again in 2012. He just can't help himself.

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