HolyCoast: Even Japan is Running Away From Kyoto Treaty
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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Even Japan is Running Away From Kyoto Treaty

It's not a good day for Al Gore:

The high costs Japan would incur if Tokyo promises to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent from 1990 levels by 2020 would be hard for the public to accept during the recession, Prime Minister Taro Aso said on Friday.

His comments showed there was still no consensus within the government after Environment Minister Tetsuo Saito said earlier this week that setting a mid-term target for cuts in a range of 15 to 25 percent was one option.

Aso has said he would announce Japan's mid-term target by mid-June, so he can set out Japan's views at a July meeting of G8 leaders and a U.N. conference in December that is meant to agree a new global climate pact to replace the Kyoto Protocol.

Japan, the world's fifth largest emitter, is under great pressure from developing nations to show leadership by opting for deep emissions reductions to ensure a strong outcome in December's gathering in the Danish capital Copenhagen.

Screw the developing countries. They don't mind if the powerhouses like the U.S., Britain, and Japan destroy their own way of life while they are allowed to keep on doing whatever they like. There's a reason they're called "developing countries" - they're still backwards. Why should we advice from people who still don't have their own acts together?

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