HolyCoast: Obama Does Broadway, RNC Does Stupid
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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Obama Does Broadway, RNC Does Stupid

The Obamas are taking in dinner and a Broadway show in New York City, and the Republican National Committee is acting stupid:
President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama landed in New York City late Saturday afternoon for a Manhattan date night that was to include a Broadway show.

A spokesman read a statement from Obama: "I am taking my wife to New York City because I promised her during the campaign that I would take her to a Broadway show after it was all finished.

The president traveled in a smaller, Gulfstream-type plane rather than the larger planes typically used as Air Force One.

The Republican National Committee slammed the outing in an "RNC Research Piece": "As President Obama prepares to wing into Manhattan’s theater district on Air Force One to take in a Broadway show, GM is preparing to file bankruptcy and families across America continue to struggle to pay their bills. ... Have a great Saturday evening – even if you’re not jetting off somewhere at taxpayer expense. ... PUTTING ON A SHOW: Obamas Wing Into The City For An Evening Out While Another Iconic American Company Prepares For Bankruptcy."

The RNC's Gail Gitcho added: "If President Obama wants to go to the theater, isn’t the Presidential box at the Kennedy Center good enough?”
Look, RNC, I'm not an Obama fan either, but he is the President and he's entitled to stuff like this. President Bush took Air Force One to his Texas ranch 77 times and I don't remember the DNC stupidly criticizing each trip.

The RNC will not gain support for Republican candidates with this kind of pettiness.

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