HolyCoast: Prop 8 Gay Marriage Ruling Due Tuesday
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Friday, May 22, 2009

Prop 8 Gay Marriage Ruling Due Tuesday

The California Supreme Court has announced that its ruling on the Proposition 8 gay marriage case will be released on Tuesday morning at 10am. Other reports indicated that the ruling was ready to go this week but San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom requested the ruling be delayed so it wouldn't fall on the 30th anniversary of the San Francisco Riots which started after Supervisor Dan White was given the most lenient decision possible following his murder of Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk.

I think Newsom's request indicates that he thinks the ruling will not bode well for gay marriage fans. My personal expectation is that Prop 8 will be upheld, but that the gay marriages which took place prior to the passage will be allowed to stand. Sort of splitting the baby, but that's likely the way it will come down.

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