HolyCoast: Tastes Great! Less Filling! More Taxes!
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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tastes Great! Less Filling! More Taxes!

Don Surber opines about the latest tax proposal designed to pay for nationalized health care:

Congressional Democrats want to slap another $2-per-case tax on beer.

This is to subsidize the health insurance of 50 million “Americans,” a number that includes 12 million illegal immigrants (many already covered by Medicaid) and about 15 million who could be insured but don’t want to buy it.

(You have a BlackBerry? You can afford health insurance.)

This is part of a tax-everything-they-drink approach to health care.

Alcohol is “bad” for you. That will be another 48 cents a six-pack, 49 cents for a jug of wine and 40 cents for a fifth of the hard stuff. That is on top of the various federal, state and local taxes we pay for adult beverages.

Those who prefer a cola will pay a tax on soda.

Diet soft drinks will not see a tax hike.

All in the name of promoting health and paying for health care.

This is usurious taxation. It is time for another tea party. These people are too thick headed to get it.

Meanwhile, I’m dusting off grandpa’s still.

The AP story is here.

As long as they don't touch Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi, I'm good.

Oh, and iced tea.

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