HolyCoast: Teaching Intolerance
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Friday, May 01, 2009

Teaching Intolerance

Another great moment in education:
A Michigan high school is investigating allegations that one of its teachers berated and belittled a student for taking part in what the teacher considered an unacceptable activity: reading FOXNews.com.

A young man who identified himself only as Mitchell, an 18-year-old senior at Traverse City West Senior High School, called in to Rush Limbaugh's radio show Thursday and said he was yelled at in front of his classmates for reading the "wrong" news.

The teacher of the video production class saw what he was looking at and "proceeded to give me a 10-minute lecture on why I can't read FOX News ... and that I can only listen to BBC and other news venues," the student said.

James Feil, superintendent of Traverse City Area Public Schools, told FOXNews.com that any attempts to pressure students politically would go against his schools' policies.

"It would be inappropriate. I would clearly tell you that is not something that we would do anything to indoctrinate students here," he said. "That would clearly be a violation of our policies and guidelines, written or non-written."

Traverse City West principal Joe Tibaldi declined to comment about the inquiry he was leading, but school officials said the student hadn't violated any computer-use rules in his class.

I heard that kid's call on Limbaugh's show. He was well spoken and confident in his conservative beliefs. He also said that after the teacher got done with his rant he pulled up Rush Limbaugh's website on his computer just to tweak him, but the teacher had walked away before he saw it.

I'm all for showing proper respect to teachers, but some of them could use a good tweaking.

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