HolyCoast: What is it With Those Chicago Community Organizers?
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Saturday, June 13, 2009

What is it With Those Chicago Community Organizers?

A blogger fabricated a fantastic story, got a million hits, and then the whole thing unraveled as a hoax:
A blogger who wrote of deciding to give birth to a terminally ill baby, attracting a following of thousands of supporters online, admits now that the entire story was made up.

The woman behind the hoax isn't "April's Mom" — a single expectant mother who lay awake at night terrified her unborn child would die at any time, according to the Chicago Tribune.

She is actually Beccah Beushausen, a 26-year-old social worker from the Chicago suburb of Mokenka who says she didn't know how to free herself from the web of lies she wove.

"Soon I was getting 100,000 hits a week, and it just got out of hand," she told the Tribune. "I didn't know how to stop. ... One lie led to another."

A social worker. Isn't that like a community organizer? What is it about Chicago community organizers that allows them to spin such fanciful tales?

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