HolyCoast: 69-Year Old Mom Dies, Leaves 3-Year Old Twins Behind
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

69-Year Old Mom Dies, Leaves 3-Year Old Twins Behind

This was pretty close to child abuse from the start:
A Spanish woman who deceived a U.S. fertility clinic about her age and become the oldest woman to give birth has died at 69, leaving behind 2-year-old twins, newspapers reported Wednesday.

Maria del Carmen Bousada gave birth in December 2006 after telling a clinic in Los Angeles that she was 55, the facility's maximum age for single women receiving in-vitro fertilization.

Guinness World Records said the 66-year-old was the oldest on record to give birth and the case ignited fierce debate over how much responsibility fertility clinics have over their patients.

Bousada told an interviewer at the time that the Pacific Fertility Center did not ask her for identification, and maintained that because her mother had died at 101, she stood a good chance of living long enough to raise her children.
Guess they were wrong about that.


www.laketahoeminister.com said...

A lot of young mothers die, leaving very young children behind. No one knows how long they will live. If this woman's mother lived to be over 100, she had a good shot at raising her children.

Rick Moore said...

And if she'd lived to be 200 she could have raised her great-great-great-grandchildren.

When a young mother dies it's tragic and unexpected. When someone dies in their late 60's it's not all that unusual. This women rolled the dice with the actuarial tables and the kids lost.