HolyCoast: The Best of America
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Best of America

Jack Dunphy posted this video over at Patterico of the homecoming of a soldier killed in Afghanistan. It shows small town America at its best as the local folks come out to honor the fallen hero:

In the summer of 2007 Sgt. Garret McLead was killed in Iraq. He was the son of friends of mine, and I posted some pictures from the procession from the airport to the funeral home that look much like what you see in the video above.

There are still a lot of good people in this country. Too bad so few of them are in positions of power.


Anonymous said...

How unfortunate! Almost ALL of the good people in this country of ours are not holding public office.
It seems like many of the ignorant, stupid, and just plain dumb one's are presently in public office. Is it any wonder why the country is in the shape it is in.
Where are the jobs?
Where is the Birth Certificate?

Linda said...

Why aren't there good people in office? Where are they?

Dick said...

This was very powerful, Rick. Thanks for sharing. Too many people let things like this go by without understanding the sacrifice that young men and women are making for our freedom. I just hope the people will continue to understand that Freedom isn't Free - people die for us to live the way we do. Thanks.
Holy Coast Dad