HolyCoast: Bush's African AIDS Project Credited With Saving Millions of Lives
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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bush's African AIDS Project Credited With Saving Millions of Lives

Even the harshest Bush critics will have a hard time finding fault with this:
The president of the International AIDS Society says new research indicates the incidence of HIV is decreasing in African countries helped by George W. Bush's AIDS initiative.

Thousands of AIDS experts at an international AIDS conference cheered Sunday when Dr. Julio Montaner announced the result, saying it is from a yet-to-be published analysis of the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, called PEPFAR.

Bush's pet project is credited with saving millions of lives. It focused on the worst-hit African countries.

Montaner said: “My research team was able to document a decrease in HIV incidence among PEPFAR focus countries, when compared with non-focus countries, in Africa.”
Name for me another U.S. President who has had that kind of positive effect on the African continent? Even Lincoln didn't affect that many African lives by ending slavery in America.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

Hurrah for Pres. Bush for making a real investment in saving human lives in Africa. While many other's are interested in saving rats, tiny fish, whales, bats, etc.
this project has now shown it has
saved many human lives!!!, now that's something to be proud of, a most worthwhile accomplishment.