HolyCoast: CBO Has Bad News for Obamacare
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

CBO Has Bad News for Obamacare

The Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan group that analyzes bills for Congress, has some bad news for Obamacare:
The health care overhauls released to date would increase, not reduce, the burgeoning long-term health costs facing the government, Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf said Thursday.

That is not a message likely to sit well with congressional Democrats or the Obama administration, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi , D-Calif., said Thursday she thinks lawmakers can find ways to wring more costs out of the health system as they continue work on their bills.

The chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Democrat Max Baucus of Montana, said his panel is acutely aware of the long-term cost concern. “Clearly our committee will do what it can,” he said. “We are very seriously concerned about that issue. We very much want to come up with a bill that bends the cost curve.”

But Baucus suggested the White House is making the task difficult with opposition to one cost-cutting approach Elmendorf cited — limiting or even ending the tax exclusion for employer-provided health benefits.

Watch what happens next. Obama will announce support for taxation of health benefits with the statement "we can't afford not to do it". That's been the pattern up to now.


Ann's New Friend said...

How are rich Democrats evading the tax hikes? Both the ones that exist and the ones up-coming. What are their loop-holes? They must have created loop-holes for themselves. How, for instance, will the Kerrys be evading the new socialism?

Quoizel said...

Lets stick a fork in this one already!!