HolyCoast: Chris Dodd Gets an Excuse to Retire
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Friday, July 31, 2009

Chris Dodd Gets an Excuse to Retire

Sen. Chris Dodd has a health problem. Too bad he lives in a country with such a crappy health care system:
Chris Dodd tells the Hartford Courant that he's being treated during the recess for "early-stage prostate cancer," and that he'll return to the campaign trail soon thereafter. He'll discuss it at a news conference this afternoon.

A health story like this, for a senator in a tough race who's had nudges to resign, instantly raises the question of whether he'll really return to office -- and Dodd advisor Jim Jordan offered an instant, forceful answer:

"The condition was caught extremely early; the procedure will be as routine as it can be; he’ll be down, out of commission for just two or three weeks; his health is otherwise superb; this in no way whatsoever affects his re-election plans," he wrote in an email.
If only he lived somewhere with a single-payer program like Britain, he'd do so much better.

But maybe not. Don Surber has the numbers:
Because he lives in the United States, he has a 99% chance of surviving prostate cancer for five years or longer.

Under universal health care, in England, his chances of surviving prostate cancer for 5 years would be only 74%.

The data is here (LINK).

In England, his chances of dying from prostate cancer would be 26 times higher.

Don’t worry, England. Obamacare will close the gap.
He still plans to campaign for the seat he's likely to lose next year, but if he needs an excuse to retire, he's now got one. He just better hope he gets this thing fixed before Obamacare kicks in.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Why does he have to wait for 'Obamacare' to kick in? Unless it is passed that the Congress has to be covered by the same plan as everybody else, he'll still get the A+ care that 'regular' Americans can only hope for.