HolyCoast: Eye Tooth
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Friday, July 03, 2009

Eye Tooth

I've heard the term "eye tooth" before, but never thought it actually possible:
Martin Jones is now able to see his wife for the first time - after having a tooth implanted into his eye.

The formerly blind man, from South Yorkshire, Great Britain, had one of his front teeth removed and turned into a lens holder that was then inserted in his right eye.

When Jones married his wife Gill four years ago, he had been blinded by a tub of molten aluminium which had exploded in his face 12 years ago.

"I met my wife when I was blind and when I found out there was a chance I would get my sight back the first person I wanted to see was her," Jones told the Daily Mail.

"The doctors took the bandages off and it was like looking through water and then I saw this figure and it was her. It was unbelievable," Jones told the paper.

The accident during which Martin was blinded happened while he was working in a scrapyard in 1997.

He suffered 37 per cent burns and had his left eye removed after it was destroyed in the accident.


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