HolyCoast: Good News for Catholic Harry Potter Fans
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Monday, July 20, 2009

Good News for Catholic Harry Potter Fans

Looks like you won't have to go confession after seeing Harry Potter after all:
Despite some religious organizations condemning any cinematic depictions of magic or the occult, Harry Potter has just gained a group of high profile new fans at the Vatican. But what's behind this unexpected new pairing?

Variety reports that L'Osservatore Romano, the official newspaper of the Vatican, has given Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince a positive review, a fact even more surprising considering that the last time the newspaper had talked about Potter, it was quoting Pope Benedict XVI's comments that the books offered "subtle seductions that are barely noticeable, and... that have a deep effect and corrupt the Christian faith in souls even before it could properly grow." So what caused the turnaround? Apparently, moral ambiguity; the newspaper's review praises character development that shows that Harry has become "aware that the world of magic, which he grew up with in the past, is not exempt from malice."
A lot of Christian organizations got their undies in a knot over the Harry Potter series too, but that never bothered me. I've read all seven books, enjoyed the six movies that have been released so far, and to date have not engaged in any sorcery or wizardry. I think it is possible to control one's urges to turn rude drivers into frogs.

1 comment:

LewArcher said...

Oh, this is good.
The movie character I've felt like I could be like is Magneto from X-Men.
I love the way he flips the cars in the third movie.

I've seen many a driver I'd like to do that to.