HolyCoast: The GOP Needs a Spokesman As Good as Joe Biden
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Friday, July 17, 2009

The GOP Needs a Spokesman As Good as Joe Biden

Jim Geraghty praises Joe Biden's skills at decimating his own administration:
Every Argument Has the Clarity of Crystal and the Brevity of a Tweet

Far and away, the elected official making the strongest, clearest, most easily-understood case against the Obama agenda is Joe Biden.

Has any Republican made any argument as damaging as, "we misread how bad the economy was"?

Or has any spending hawk put it as obvious and revealing as the Vice President's argument from yesterday, “We have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt”?

Listen, I know the Republican Party has some smooth talkers and some strategic communicators and yes, Obama's poll numbers have dipped lately. But the bar has been raised by one man who has a gift for articulating the flaws of the administration in a succinct and explicit manner. It's time for the GOP's public persuaders to raise their game to the level that Biden has.
And they said Sarah Palin would be a disaster as Vice President.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From what I see and what I have been reading lately, the hierachy in the Republican Parts is doing all they can to see that we give all future political offices to the democrats. They are not at all tuned into what the majority of the party members are talking about and to which direction the party should be going. I guess we will have to wait until all of the old died in the wool Republican leadership dies off and a new breed comes on line before we will see any changes in how the party used to be run and for what it used to stand for.