HolyCoast: Government Motors Sales Off 22%
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Government Motors Sales Off 22%

From my hotel in Auburn Hills, MI I can see the Chrysler headquarters. I haven't got their sales numbers (and they aren't boarding up the place just yet), but GM's report is not very promising:
General Motors posted Wednesday a 22 percent global sales drop from a year earlier for the first six months of 2009 amid the economic slowdown and the automaker's slide into bankruptcy.

GM said its global first-half sales, which include brands the automaker is trimming from its lineup, fell 21.8 percent to 3.55 million vehicles. The automaker's sales in the second quarter fell 15.4 percent to 1.94 million vehicles.

The automaker said second-quarter sales reflected continuing economic pressures and production cuts in the United States. It estimated a 12 percent second-quarter global market share, down 0.3 percentage point from a year earlier.

I'm shocked that anybody is buying their cars. I wonder how many of those sales are from government sources?

And are their new union overlords running around trying to figure out how to cut costs and improve the numbers?

Probably not. Last night I heard a couple of businessmen arguing that now that the unions are in charge of GM and Chrysler they'll have to become capitalists to stay in business.

Hardly. They just don't have it in them. They'll keep muddling along until either the next bailout comes along (and there's a good chance of that given the way Obama and the Dems pander to the unions), or until they close the doors for good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am seeing the local military recruiters and INS (yes we have them in Ohio, for some reason) and other US Government licensed vehicles and ALL of them are brand new Chrysler or GM products, like 2009 or maybe 2010 models, I can't tell which but they are clearly brand new.

I wonder if they got the Employee Discount Pricing?