HolyCoast: Health Care Graphic of the Day
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Health Care Graphic of the Day

The GOP has prepared this helpful flow chart to guide you through the Democrats nationalized health care plan:

Click on the picture to see a larger size. You still will barely be able to read it, thanks to the complexity that's been built into the program to keep you from understanding it, but you can take a look and do your best to make something out of it.


Anonymous said...

YOU SAY:The GOP has prepared this helpful flow chart to guide you through the Democrats nationalized health care plan:

I say how is it HELPFUL? They need to do some serious cleaning up on it, or everyone will just say to hell with health care altogether, and stay sick or in pain, so that they don't get a head ache from trying to figure this chart out.

LewArcher said...

The chart apparently proves that the health care system will be complex. Well, yes, it is. It will involve a lot of people, money, government agencies, and private entities. Of course, I hate to break it to the House Republican caucus, but the health system is already complex, and features a lot of people, money, government agencies, and private entities.

Indeed, if I were to do a chart detailing the way John Boehner's car works, it would also show a complicated system, but I suspect he'd take it to work every morning. More to the point, if I were to show Boehner a chart about the various international elements that went into invading Iraq in 2003, I suspect he wouldn't be persuaded if I said, "See? It's just too darn complex to bother."

And that's the underlying point of the GOP pitch: we can't reform the system because the solution doesn't fit nicely on a chart. But that's not an argument. It's barely even a chart.


Check out this chart as well on Clinton's plans all those years ago:

Gombojav Tribe said...

What's so complex about our current system?!

If I'm sick, I go to the doctor. I pay him cash. His receptionist gives me a receipt.

Whew, I need a nap after explaining that; it was so complex.

LewArcher said...

Gombojav Tribe said...

It is even simpler when you don't have insurance:
Me: I'd like to see a doctor.
Receptionist: What's your insurance?
Me: I don't have any.
Receptionist: Sorry, she can't see you.

Gombojav Tribe said...

I don't have insurance. I've never been denied care. In fact, some give a little discount to cash payers.