HolyCoast: Health Rationing
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Health Rationing

Here's what you can look forward to under Obamacare:

It's a bit over the top, but in every country where nationalized health care has gone into effect rationing of some sort was sure to follow. It's about saving money, not lives.

Just look what's happening in Massachusetts where the state government required everyone to have insurance (from Don Surber):
Experts are surprised to learn that its universal health care program has led to “the high price and heavy use of hospitals,’’ and so they are recommending the state stiff doctors and hospitals.

Massachusetts mandated that everyone get health care insurance. The politicians and the insurance industry sold this as a way to save money — because in the coo-coo world of politics, teh purpose of a health care system is to save money, not lives.

But instead of saving money, Massachusetts saw its health costs rise 8 percent last year, the highest among the 50 states.

The reason is that if you make people buy health care insurance, they are going to use it — especially if it is subsidized by the state.

Well, this development was unforeseen by anyone who has no grasp of basic economics, and so the state appointed a panel to figure out how to ration health care. And they came up with a pretty clever plan. Doctors and hospitals will get a flat rate for patients. This will mean even higher demand for services but a smaller supply as doctors and hospitals will have to cut back on the treatment rendered. They will ration, not the state.

Clever, but oh so wrong.

Look for an exodus of doctors from Massachusetts if this plan ever is implemented.
This is just a smaller scale of what's about to happen to the country.


Meg said...

I don't think the video is over the top. Have you seen the hidden video posted on Big Hollywood on the Canadian health care system? The video was shot by a guy named Steven Crowder; it's shocking.

The only thing I would have changed is the name to the Health Administration DEPARTMENT...HAD, as in "you've been HAD."

Anonymous said...

AHEFT shows African American health care has long been rationed by breeding us to limit our lives, so why should we pay for all those boomer pensions we will never benefit from? After all, it was the boomer pensions which caused the market to crash.