HolyCoast: Jeb, You Weren't Paying Attention
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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Jeb, You Weren't Paying Attention

I'm a little mystified by what Jeb Bush said in an interview about Obama:
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush told an interviewer that he could not say whether or not President Barack Obama is a socialist, and that the president would not have been elected if he had been honest with Americans about his agenda.

Bush would not answer the question of whether he agreed with the assessment of some congressional Republicans that the president is a socialist. "I don't know. Define socialism for me," he told Esquire magazine. "It's a word… I believe he's a collectivist. He believes that through collective action, through government, you can solve more problems." He added that he believed the word "socialism" was a pejorative, and "didn't help" the GOP make its case.

The brother of former President George W. Bush and son of former President George H.W. Bush dismissed the idea that his party's policies were unpopular with most Americans. "I don't think there's any seismic shift. The Democrats have won on tactics," he said. "Barack Obama would not have gotten elected if he'd let us in on his secret plan prior to the election," he said, pointing to the president's economic agenda and energy proposals.
What "secret plan"? Obama is doing everything he said he'd do during the election. Nationalize health car, cap-and-tax, wasteful "stimulus" spending, massive expansion of government. Some of us have been warning voters about it for months, if not years.

Jeb, you weren't paying attention.

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