HolyCoast: John Kerry Leads the Senate's Chicken Little Committee
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

John Kerry Leads the Senate's Chicken Little Committee

And look at what they're working on:
Massive crop devastation, melting glaciers, water shortages, millions of displaced people -- all of these will drag the US military into conflict if global climate change goes unchecked, a Senate panel was warned today.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, convened by Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts, focused on what so far has received only modest attention in the climate change debate: the effect it is bound to have on national defense.

"Addressing the consequences of changes in the Earth's climate is not simply about saving polar bears or preserving the beauty of mountain glaciers," retired Navy Vice Adm. Lee F. Gunn, president of the American Security Project, told the panel. "Climate change is a threat to our national security."

Gunn and other military specialists said that climate change could have broad effects on how the US military operates. It will likely expand the number of humanitarian missions the Pentagon will have to undertake, they said, and even change how it deploys its fighting forces.

For example, they warned that rising sea levels could swamp critical US military bases in the Indian Ocean and even the headquarters of the Atlantic Fleet in Norfolk, Va., which could be under water after just a one-meter rise in the ocean level.

From Africa to the Middle East and South Asia, dramatic changes in the weather will stress already unstable nations, creating what Gunn called "climate conflicts."

"International conflicts over resources, due to migrants, and/or as a means of distraction are not only likely," he added, "but likely to exacerbate the underlying climate change problem."

Do you notice that nowhere in this article do they talk about "global warming"? It's all "global climate change". Why? Because global warming ended in 1998, but in order to keep funding going toward these projects they must come up with a bogeyman, so climate change fits the need because the climate is always changing and apparently whatever change is going to happen will kill us all.

As doubts about global climate change grow in public opinion, the language of the globaloney crowd will grow more shrill as they attempt to scare people into supporting their fantasies. This article is full of that kind of hyperbole.

And I can't think of a better chairman than the pompous John Kerry, who as we all know is smarter than that rest of us. You'd think a guy like Kerry would embrace higher sea levels. It would make it easier for him to windsurf nearer his home.


Sam L. said...

So tell me, how did I miss the part where the French-looking guy, who once served in Viet Nam, said he would submit a massive spending bill to increase the size of our military and improve their equippage, given that clearly they will be needed in the future he envisions? Oh, and build new bases, too.

Meg said...

Someone needs to put some Xanax in the water in Washington,DC. These folks are suffering from hysteria.

Ann's New Friend said...

Kerry is hoping to glow in the reflected light of his fellow hysteric, Al Gore. I think Senator Kerry smells money in the air.