HolyCoast: Kim Jong Il is...Well, Ill
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Monday, July 13, 2009

Kim Jong Il is...Well, Ill

Never miss an opportunity for a pun.

South Korean media are reporting that the pot-bellied dictator from the North could be terminally ill:
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has life-threatening pancreatic cancer, a news report said Monday, days after new images of him looking gaunt spurred speculation that his health might be worsening following a reported stroke last year.
The 67-year-old Kim was diagnosed with the cancer around the time he was felled by a stroke last summer, Seoul's YTN television reported, citing unidentified intelligence officials in South Korea and China.
The report cited the officials saying the disease is "threatening" Kim's life.
Pancreatic cancer is usually found in its final stage, and considering Kim's age, he is expected to live no more than five years, the report said.
South Korea's spy agency said it could not confirm the report.
Now, before anyone gets too excited about that prospect, Don Surber reminds us that a terminally ill nutcase dictator might want to go out with a bang, and if he's figured out yet how to deliver one of his nukes, we could be in for some exciting days ahead.

Secondly, I have a good friend who is one of those rare pancreatic cancer survivors. It is possible to beat that disease, though the best survival rate in the world (and that's not saying much) is in the United States. Would Obama let and ill Il come to the U.S for treatment? Will they check his carry-on luggage for nukes?

Stay tuned.

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