HolyCoast: Lifetime County Club Republican Calls Sarah Palin a Country Club Republican
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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lifetime County Club Republican Calls Sarah Palin a Country Club Republican

Ron Paul, a lifetime member of a Texas country club, thinks Sarah Palin is a "country club Republican" (h/t Gateway Pundit):
As for soon-to-be departing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Paul dismisses her supporters as "more establishment, conventional Country-Club type of Republicans."

"I wonder whether she's energizing the 15-20 year olds," Paul muses. "That would be a question I would have. Because she doesn't talk about the Federal Reserve and some of these issues. She doesn't talk too much about personal liberties, civil liberties, getting rid of drug laws, attacking the war on drugs, punishing people who torture."
You know why she doesn't talk about those issues? BECAUSE THEY'RE LOSERS!

Ron Paul has made a career out of appealing to a select few voters who obsess over silly crap (like auditing the fed) and things that most voters don't support (like getting rid of drug laws) and with the exception of a bunch of terms in Congress, he's never gone anywhere on a national scale. Palin's not that dumb.

And for the record, she's never belonged to a country club.


Meg said...

Does anyone think a discussion about the Federal Reserve will energize 15-20 year olds? Do 15-20 year olds even know what the Federal Reserve is? Short answer: NO!

You're right on target Rick...those issues are losers.

This type of Republican is just hell-bent on losing. The GOP needs less Ron Paul and more Ronald Reagan.

Crazy Dick said...

We would all be better off if Ron Paul would take a long, long walk, and then a very long nap. He has done very little other than drive a wedge in the Republican Party.

Robb said...

I think Governor Pailin could energize the 18-24 crowd. She's far more enjoyable than the haggard, washed-up, washed-out LIBERTARIAN gynecologist who thinks the majority of American yoot are behind him, just because a bunch of geeks and nerds supported his candidacy.

Ann's New Friend said...

Ron Paul is a figure that self-described liberals like to tout as evidence that they're "aware" of the issues that "right-wingers" care about ... Libs are so "sensitive" and "aware," you know. One of my self-described liberal friends used Paul as just such an example very recently.

My response (which I kept to myself) was who gives a rat's behind about Ron Paul? I never hear anyone talk about Paul. He's a lib's Republican, a fiction.