HolyCoast: Mandalay Bay & The Venetian
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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Mandalay Bay & The Venetian

Here are some shots of the critters at Shark Reef. Tough lighting conditions, but I got a few of them:
A caiman waiting for a handout.
Piranha. They actually have a guy stationed there to make sure the kids don't try to pet them.
Lion fish.
Some form of jellyfish. There's something really weird about those things.
Caught a ray cruising by.
A pair of sharks cruise overhead looking longingly at the tourists below.
The Komodo Dragon didn't come on duty until after we got there.
We also stopped by The Venetian. Had to take a couple of pics.
We ran into a celebrity - Lot's wife.
It was a nice day in St. Mark's Square. Of course, it's always a nice day in there.

Tonight - Penn & Teller at the Rio.

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