HolyCoast: Michael Steele: Obamacare is Socialism
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Monday, July 20, 2009

Michael Steele: Obamacare is Socialism

Speak up, Mr. Chairman:
The chairman of the Republican Party on Monday called President Barack Obama's plan to overhaul health care "socialism," accusing the president of conducting a risky experiment that will hurt the economy and force millions to drop their current coverage.
Michael Steele, in remarks at the National Press Club, also said the president, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and key congressional committee chairmen are part of a "cabal" that wants to implement government-run health care.

"Obama-Pelosi want to start building a colossal, closed health care system where Washington decides. Republicans want and support an open health care system where patients and doctors make the decisions," Steele said.

Asked if Obama's health care plan represented socialism, Steele responded: "Yes. Next question."

Obama has repeatedly said he does not favor a government-run health care system. Legislation taking shape in the House envisions private insurance companies selling coverage in competition with the government.

That last paragraph is the AP's way of providing cover for Obama, and perhaps they haven't yet figured out that what he says and what his actions will actually do are quite different. While Obama professes not to want a government-run health care system, the bill coming out of the House is nearly guaranteed to create just that because private insurers will never be able to compete with a government-backed program that can subsidize rates and doesn't have to make a profit. In addition, as noted in previous posts, there is language in the House bill that would pretty much require people to switch to the government option upon any significant change in their private policy.

It will result in socialized medicine.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

Obama's plan can have two results right from the start: one is the creation of an inpenetrable government monolith, and I think Michael Steele is being kind in calling it "socialism." "Communism" would be a more accurate term.

Second outcome is less certain. What are some of the possibilities? A tax revolution? States creating their own medical systems to eliminate the federal government program -- I can see Texans having the daring to forge a legal cover for doctors who want to create their own private systems, no insurance, direct pay plans -- kind of like the family doctor of yore. I can envision the country dividing along red state/blue state lines, people moving to red states to get innovative services that Democrats have tried to squelch.

I think that many good, kind, smart and decent Democrats have not been paying attention to Obama -- a failing that is greatly assisted by a lying news media. But eventually they will see what their taxes bought, and when they do the Dems are doomed.

Time magazine and its peers are on life-support. The Obama "hope and change" parade has depended upon the media, but people are abandoning the mainstreams in droves.

Don't know what all this adds up to, but Conservatives and Republicans have to ask themselves some fundamental questions: do we really think that Americans have changed fundamentally? Do people want less freedom? Do people really want a leaden bureaucracy running their lives? Or have sectors of the electorate been lax in judging Obama? If it's the latter, what happens to Obama when these voters wake up? Will the GOP be ready when they wake up?

I'm laying my bet on human nature, and on the American dream in particular. I think Obama's change bandwagon is driving itself over a cliff.

The GOP had better find good leadership for that eventuality because it may well be a difficult and challenging time -- as well as a marvelous and thrilling time, full of opportunities.