HolyCoast: NASCAR's Jeremy Mayfield is Toast
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

NASCAR's Jeremy Mayfield is Toast

This is really a shame:
NASCAR is calling for a federal judge to reinstate Jeremy Mayfield's drug suspension after it says the driver has again tested positive for methamphetamine.

The positive result from a July 6 random test was included in a U.S. District Court filing Wednesday.

The filing included an affidavit from Mayfield's stepmother, who claims she personally witnessed the driver using methamphetamine at least 30 times over seven years.

NASCAR said in its filings that the "A" sample had levels of methamphetamine consistent with habitual users who consume high doses.

The filing also claims Mayfield and his attorneys have failed to select a qualified laboratory to test the backup "B" sample.

NASCAR will probably ban him for life now, and his racing days will be over. He won't even be allowed to own a car in the series.

It's really sad to see such a talent like that wasted by something stupid like meth.

I remember a few seasons ago there was a behind-the-scenes NASCAR show that featured the private lives and activities of various drivers. Mayfield was featured in a number of episodes. He had the pretty wife, the mansion, the private jet, fancy cars - all the stuff that fame and fortune can buy you. He lived a charmed life as the driver of the 12 car for Roger Penske and later the 19 for Ray Evernham. Both relationships ended in strife and you have to wonder if drugs played a role in all of that.


Linda said...

HE was stupid! I don't understand why these guys can't get it! Of course with our president apparently not being ashamed of using drugs, why should the rest of the population.

Anonymous said...

This guy has had more than enough chances to stay clean, yet he chooses to use drugs. He should be banned from racing for life, and that includes driving, own a race car, working in the pits, etc.
In other words he should be put completly out of racing.