HolyCoast: Obama: Our Unicorns and Rainbows Plan is Working as Intended
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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Obama: Our Unicorns and Rainbows Plan is Working as Intended

Well, isn't that special. In his own words (h/t Don Surber):
The Recovery Act wasn’t designed to restore the economy to full health on its own, but to provide the boost necessary to stop the free fall. It was designed to spur demand and get people spending again and cushion those who had borne the brunt of the crisis. And it was designed to save jobs and create new ones.

In a little over one hundred days, this Recovery Act has worked as intended. It has already extended unemployment insurance and health insurance to those who have lost their jobs in this recession. It has delivered $43 billion in tax relief to American working families and businesses. Without the help the Recovery Act has provided to struggling states, its estimated that state deficits would be nearly twice as large as they are now, resulting in tens of thousands of additional layoffs – layoffs that would affect police officers, teachers, and firefighters.
So, clearly things are a lot better these days than they were when Obama took office.

Maybe not, says Eric Cantor:
There is no doubt that our nation faces many challenges, but the plain truth is that President Obama’s economic decisions have not produced jobs, have not produced prosperity and have not worked.

President Obama has already asked you to borrow trillions, and so far nearly 3 million jobs have been lost this year alone.

Remember the promises? They promised you if you paid for their stimulus, jobs would be created immediately. In fact, they said that unemployment would stay under eight percent.

Yet just months later, they are telling us to brace for unemployment to climb over ten percent. They promised jobs created. Now they scramble to find a way to play games with government numbers by claiming jobs saved.

Simply put, this is now President Obama’s economy and the American people are beginning to question whether his policies are working.
I like this comment from Don Surber:
Frankly, I am tired of hearing the complaints about what Obama inherited. He knew the job when he took it. If he cannot handle it, he should resign and let Joe Biden take over.
Now that's a scary thought.

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