HolyCoast: Obamacare Will Move the Elderly to the Back of the Bus?
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Obamacare Will Move the Elderly to the Back of the Bus?

Where's the AARP? They're always complaining about anything that might take one government cent from their elderly constituents, but they seem to be completely ignoring Obama's plan to move them to the back of the health care bus:
Obama’s health care proposal is, in effect, the repeal of the Medicare program as we know it. The elderly will go from being the group with the most access to free medical care to the one with the least access. Indeed, the principal impact of the Obama health care program will be to reduce sharply the medical services the elderly can use. No longer will their every medical need be met, their every medication prescribed, their every need to improve their quality of life answered.

It is so ironic that the elderly - who were so vigilant when Bush proposed to change Social Security - are so relaxed about the Obama health care proposals. Bush’s Social Security plan, which did not cut their benefits at all, aroused the strongest opposition among the elderly. But Obama’s plan, which will totally gut Medicare and replace it with government-managed care and rationing, has elicited little more than a yawn from most senior citizens.

It’s time for the elderly to wake up before it is too late!
There's more here.

Obamacare is about saving money, not saving lives. Consequently, rationing of medical services is not only a possibility but a requirement. Your age and health history will determine how much the government is willing to spend on your care. If you don't make the grade, well, that's too bad.

You'll just have to die and decrease the surplus population.


Linda said...

When we go to get our prescriptions renewed, we'll be given the 'kool-aid' to drink.

Our medicare is not free! First of all, we all work for it during our working years. Then, the premium is taken out of our social security benefits. I know it's not near as much as we paid for private insurance, but it is not FREE!

Sam L. said...

My wife signed me up for AARP when I turned 50. I gave it up some years ago when it appeared to me that they were a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Dems. Coulda been fellow-travellers, but less than a dime's worth of difference.

Meg said...

I work in health care. I hear all the time how we should have "free" health care. I must sound like a broken record when I tell them that:
1) Nothing is free.
2) So you like HMOs? Because universal health care will be like the biggest HMO you've ever seen...and try suing the govt when their doctors screw up.
3) So you want your health care run like the DMV, by people who don't give a rat's behind about you?
It's as if the god of this world has blinded the eyes of our nation.

Goofy Dick said...

I think the "Kool-Aid" has been passed out to not only seniors but the population in general. Their minds have been completly riddled by the give away programs of the Democrats and they are in such a stupor they don't realize that all this Obamacare program is going to do it ration care to the elderly, give some care to the younger generations and reduce overall health care by limiting its availability and thereby reducing costs. I really don't see any reduction in health care costs as the government will find a way to increase their employees and payrolls wiping out any financial savings.