HolyCoast: Orange County Fair
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Orange County Fair

The ladies and I went to the OC Fair this afternoon, and of course I took the camera. Here are some of the highlights:

The ladies head into the Building of Products You Never Knew You Needed. Everything from Indian jewelry to fancy ladders to carved wooden airplanes. I did find a shirt with pictures of Streamliner locomotives on it. I didn't know I needed that.
There were a couple of booths selling Plumeria plants. They're native to Hawaii and a lot of Californians mistakenly buy them thinking they'll grow here. They won't. Our climate doesn't work well for these things and they're a pretty expensive mistake.
We went to see the 3-D movie starring "Weird Al" Yankovic. It was pretty good - a combination of 3-D schtick, comedy and music, all the while educationing the audience about the brain.
We just had to try the chocolate-covered bacon. A thin, crispy piece of bacon coated in dark chocolate. They even give you extra salt so you can have all three major food groups in one snack: Salt, chocolate and bacon. Pretty tasty.
Ah, the smell of burning flesh...
This poor guy was a "winner", and now he has to drag that horse on his back the rest of the night.
Here's just some random shots as we were walking around.


LewArcher said...

Al's Brain.

For a second, I thought it was Al Gore.

An excellent fair to attend, though hard for you West Coasters, is the New York State Fair.

Linda said...

Yum...I want some bacon covered in salt and chocolate!

Mary said...

Why won't plumeria plants grow in California? They thrive in Houston!!

Mary said...

great pics btw, and i love your blog... read it SEVERAL times a day! With regard to plumeria's.... I leave mine out in pots year round.. they are just stalks during the winter, but always come back in the spring. I started with just one plant.. all of my others came from cuttings... just stick a cutting in dirt, and keep it watered...voila! new plant! (and actually, my ONE plant came from a cutting I grabbed from my dad's yard) Give them a try there... they're beautiful, and if I can grow them, they are foolproof. ha!

Dick said...

Plumeria plants do excellent along the Orange County Coastal areas. I lived in Orange, CA and had anumber of Plumeria's and they did excellent. My sister lives in Placentia and they have a number of Plumeria's which do very well.
The only thing they don't like is freezing weather or frost.

Anonymous said...

#1 - Plumerias do very well in Southern California with proper watering, good drainage and some protection from extreme heat or frost. #2 - Plumerias are native to South and Central America, not Hawaii. Love the picture though. Plumerias do photograph well.