HolyCoast: Pelosi: Surcharge Can Fund Whatever We Want to Fund
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Pelosi: Surcharge Can Fund Whatever We Want to Fund

I had the story the other day of the plans for a surcharge on high earners to pay for Obamacare, but let's be serious, the surcharge won't come close to paying for Obamacare.

However, Nancy Pelosi, the eternal optimist, thinks there will be money left over and instead of cutting taxes and returning the stolen funds to those who earned it, she'll just throw it at the rest of the black hole the Dems are creating:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that Democrats could use a proposed new tax on the wealthy to pay down the deficit, if there's money left over after funding healthcare reform.

Pelosi (D-Calif.) said if more savings are found than the initial amount estimated to help offset the $1 trillion-plus healthcare plan, the tax revenues carved out to offset the bill’s cost could be funneled toward deficit reduction.

As part of their healthcare proposal, Democrats included $544 billion in taxes targeting the wealthiest 1.2 percent of taxpayers. The remainder of the $1.04 trillion price tag would be offset through changes to Medicare and Medicaid designed to save the government hundreds of billions of dollars.

“I hope we can change that percentage and get much more coming from savings,” Pelosi said. “In fact, I believe that all of the cost of the healthcare reform bill can come from squeezing more savings out of the system."

Asked why Democrats were proposing more than $500 billion in new taxes if savings alone could fund their healthcare plan, Pelosi said: “We have to have a revenue stream to ensure that the bill will be paid for. If we don’t need that money we can use it to reduce the deficit.”

This week the federal deficit for the year topped $1 trillion for the first time ever. The Obama administration has projected a $1.84 trillion deficit for the fiscal year ending in October.
There aren't enough rich people in the world to fund all this nonsense, and when Obama's done, there's won't be any rich people in America. Just people who are "sharing the wealth".


Linda said...

Maybe I can ask you a question, or your readers.

With this new healthcare plan being implemented, and all of the private healthcare plans that we have, what is going to happen to the private ones? We bought a cancer policy almost 20 years ago, and PTL, haven't had to use it. If we don't use it, we will get all of the premiums back after the 20 year period. They keep sending us a letter every year to take the cash value out now.

Will these companies go under too? Would it be wise to cash in the policy now, or wait for the remaining 3 years? If we cash it now, we will only get about half of what we paid into it.

Thanks for your imput.

Ann's New Friend said...

Pelosi is herself rich. How much will she be contributing to the federal deficit? Indeed, why did she wait till there were these outsided spending bills? Why hasn't she shared her largesse with Uncle Sam all along? She didn't have to pay only what she owed. (Assuming, of course, that she paid what she owed.)

And what about Streisand. What about Susan Sarandon and George Clooney? What about the Kennedys? And the Kerrys? How much will the rich Democrats be contributing to this mess that they created?

Will the Kerrys be vacationing at Ocean City now? Getting their clothes at Target (following the example of the first lady....ah hmm)?

I'm tired of hearing about all these nameless, faceless "rich" people. I want to know specifically about the ones in Congress. Oh, and yes! Let's have them be the FIRST to sign up for the new health program. And no cheating! No getting other service on the side.

Let them down-size their lives first. Yeah, step right up, I say.

Goofy Dick said...

Hmmmm, since PELOSI is from California I wouldn't be at all surprised if she is smoking something funny which gives here all of these weird ideas. She really can't be for real.