HolyCoast: Political Quote of the Day
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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Political Quote of the Day

From Senator John McCain, after the Senate voted down a proposal from President Obama to cut millions in earmarks the president didn't like:
“The Senate just voted against the president of the United States. There are 60 votes over there,” he said, pointing to the Democratic side of the chamber. “We could not get 51.”
The problem? Democrats are so wedded to their earmarks they can't see the big picture. A Senator won't dare vote against a big budget project in his state, even if it means losing a much bigger presidential priority.

In another story the "health bill" is in trouble because it's so larded up with local pork projects. These bills are going to die, not just because they're bad for America, but because the Democrat party is little more than a collection of special interests, and when those interests collide as they often do, nothing gets done.

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