HolyCoast: Poll Troubles
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Poll Troubles

Are the American people starting to wake up and pay attention to the Obama agenda?
Obama Job Approval Rating Drops Nine Points
Poll Finds Decreased Confidence in Stimulus Spending and Concerns Over Deficit

Double-Digit Increase in Percentage of Voters Saying Country Is On the "Wrong Track"

New York, July 15, 2009 - The Diageo/Hotline Poll of 800 U.S. registered voters conducted by FD from July 9-13, 2009, finds that the percentage of American voters who approve of the job President Obama is doing has dropped nine points to 56%. The previous Diageo/ Hotline Poll, conducted from June 4-7, found that 65% of voters approved of the job he was doing.

Obama's Job Approval Ratings

With 56% of voters approving of the job he is doing, the Poll finds President Obama's job approval rating is at its lowest level recorded in the six monthly Diageo/Hotline Polls since President Obama took office.

Interestingly, compared to June, the decrease in Obama's job approval ratings is being driven primarily by decreases among male voters (-15 points), Independent voters (-15 points), and rural voters (-15 points).
This may help explain why there's a mad rush to pass cap-and-tax and the health care plan. Obama sees his window of unicorns and rainbows closing.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

Put your seatbelt on, don a life preserver, and then just hang loose.
The figures are going to keep going down, down, down. Before it's over I think history will record Obama as one of the WORST presidents in U.S. History. He may have thought he had a golden tongue, but it looks like the tongue was only gold plated and now the gold is badly wearing off.