HolyCoast: Public Hammering Congress on Cap-and-Tax
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Public Hammering Congress on Cap-and-Tax

Iain Murray has some good news on cap-and-tax:
I'm hearing that the popular reaction to the passage of the Waxman-Markey electricity tax bill in the House has blown House members away. The public outrage is really hurting those who voted for it, and that's why the bill has been "parked" (as the Blair government used to say) in the Senate. Very good sign. We need that sort of public pressure to defeat this monstrosity, and similarly for the health-care plans. If these two overreaches go down, Obama's political capital will be spent. How often has a president become a lame duck by his own actions within a year of taking office?
Keep it up, folks.


Linda said...

Let's make him more than a 'lame duck'. Get him out of office!

Anonymous said...

I would like nothing more than to see Obama become a lame duck by his own actions and then go limping off the world stage.