HolyCoast: Rahm & Barack Show
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rahm & Barack Show

Two weeks ago I saw Penn & Teller in Las Vegas. Their magic and illusion act may not be as impressive as the act Rahm & Barack plan to try and pull off tonight:
U.S. President Barack Obama shifts his effort to convince the American people healthcare reform is the right thing to do right now to prime time Wednesday.

In an evening news conference, Obama is expected to outline the case for healthcare reform as well as provide an update on what has been accomplished since he took office in January.

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told The New York Times Obama intends to use the news conference as a "six-month report card," to talk about "how we rescued the economy from the worst recession" and the legislative agenda moving forward, including health care and energy legislation.

Rescued the economy? According to their own records barely 10% of the stimulus funds have actually been spent, and most of that went to non-stimulative items. They promised us that by passing the stimulus bill unemployment would stay below 8%, but it has risen to 9.5% nationwise (and 15.2% where I am in Michigan this week). There doesn't seem to be a marked improvement in ANY indicator except the stock market which has struggled back a bit from its lows.

I don't think "rescued" would be word right now. It's like "rescuing" a drowning man only to watch him die on the beach as CPR fails.


Sam L. said...

I think it's more like pulling a drowning man to shore and then putting him face down in a pool of water to resuscitate him.

Ann's New Friend said...

It's more like "rescuing" a drowning man by laying a pillow on his face after having dragged him out of the lake you pushed him in.