HolyCoast: Who Said Californians Can't Drive in the Rain?
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Who Said Californians Can't Drive in the Rain?

Well, I think I said it a time or two. Californians aren't used to seeing much rain and every time a good storm shows up it turns into the destruction derby on California freeways.

However, yesterday proved that Michiganders, who are no strangers to bad weather, can also have their moments. As we left the big mall last night it was raining pretty good. I got on the highway to head back to the hotel, and maybe 1/2 mile later was treated to the site of a local Mercedes pilot doing graceful pirouettes in the middle of the road. I saw him go around three times, and he probably did one or two more before I spotted his headlights swinging around in front of me.

He managed not to hit anything and ended his tour de force by backing across two lanes right in front of me and ending up in the gore point of an offramp. I was tempted to stop and applaud, as any good Californian would, but was content to let him try and gather up this thoughts and figure out where he'd get a change of underwear.

Maybe California drivers aren't so bad after all.


Anonymous said...

Since you're in Michigan , that MB driver is likely a driver from the Middle East who is used to desert climate conditions i.e. very, very little rain.

Anonymous said...

California has its share of bad drivers. We were exiting the 241 near Orange yesterday as we were heading for our anniversary dinner. All three exit lanes were full when a woman started to turn into our lane, going the wrong direction. Dad hit the horn and with a look of shock on her face, she realized that she was entering the freeway on an off ramp. Had she completed her move, we would have been hit head on. I am sure that she was shaken. We certainly were.