HolyCoast: Another Phony Obamacare-Supporting Doctor
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Another Phony Obamacare-Supporting Doctor

This time at Bawney Fwank's town hall meeting. Gateway Pundit has all the details.


LewArcher said...

From the comments in the Washington Post:
CNN replayed a lot of the meeting.
My favorite part was when he said why can't we have a rational discussion, and people shouted "we're angry!" and he said, what makes you think rationality and anger are opposites?

Another good part was when he asked the louder part of the crowd to name one tax the Obama administration has raised, since there aren't any. After a lot of confused mumbling and shouting, they came up with a state tax in Massachusetts. He told them he had assumed they knew the difference between the federal government and the state government of Massachusetts, but in case they didn't, those are actually two different things.

LewArcher said...

An interesting fact that is featured daily and prominently in the mainstream "gotcha" media:

Total spending on health care, per person, 2007:
United States: $7290
France: $3601
United Kingdom: $2992
Italy: $2686

LewArcher said...

Lastly, what's next.
A alleged "plumber" showing up promising to give people colon cleansing.
Or maybe a welfare quenn driving her Chicago brood in a Cadillac.