HolyCoast: Boxer Rebellion
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Monday, August 17, 2009

Boxer Rebellion

My least favorite California Senator, Barbara "Dumb-as-a-Box-of-Rocks" Boxer may be in trouble in the Golden State:
Democrat Barbara Boxer's quest for a fourth term in the U.S. Senate may give Californians a chance to pass judgment on Washington in the Obama era: Do voters approve of the early performance of the Democratic president and Congress? Or is it time to restore more power to Republicans, in this case to a controversial former Silicon Valley CEO making her first run for elective office?

What looks increasingly likely is that Boxer will be in for the re-election fight of her career. While she has yet to announce her candidacy, all signs point to a run by Republican Carly Fiorina, the charismatic ex-chief of Hewlett-Packard who was ousted from her job in 2005 and last year served as a top surrogate for John McCain's presidential bid.

Fiorina would bring a combination of traits to the race never faced before by Boxer: She is a woman with the wherewithal to pump millions of her own dollars into her candidacy and probably raise millions more from others. And historically, the election after a president first takes office has not been kind to the party in charge at the White House. Exhibit A is 1994, when Democrats lost control of Congress halfway into President Bill Clinton's first term.

In this case, analysts say, the 2010 California Senate election is expected to be at least partly a referendum on the policies of Obama and the Democratic Congress — from health care to immigration to climate change. And as chairman of the Senate committee shaping global warming legislation in the coming months, Boxer will have little distance from the president — for better or worse.

As Obama's fortunes go over the next 14 months, in other words, so might Boxer's.

The other thing running against Boxer is she's an arrogant dingbat. There are sound bites a'plenty of her saying stupid things or acting like an idiot, and she's a proponent of every wacky left thing that's come down the pike, from Obamacare to cap-and-tax to...you name it. Californians should be getting pretty tired of being represented by a woman who makes Nancy Pelosi look brilliant.

Time for her to go.

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