HolyCoast: Family Matters
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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Family Matters

Blogging may be light to nonexistent this weekend as family matters have thrust themselves upon me. I mentioned HolyCoast Dad's fall, but there's more to the story. I haven't really shared much on here, but he has been battling pulmonary fibrosis all year, a progressive disease that takes away your lung capacity. It has left him constantly short of breath, on oxygen much of the time, and frequently wracked with coughs. It was during a coughing spell that he apparently passed out, fell, and hit his head on the refrigerator as he went down, splitting his forehead open.

It took five stitches to close, but with the lung problems and a history of heart problems the doctors will probably keep him in Mission Hospital possibly through Monday. HolyCoast Mom doesn't get around very well and that requires somebody to handle a wheelchair. That will probably be me this weekend.

Keep them in your prayers. It's a very tough time for both of them.


Linda said...

I guess we need to be thankful that the health care plan is not in effect at this time!

jan said...

We will be keeping you all in our prayers....be sure to take a moment or 2 as well to catch your breath...caregiving is exhausting.

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

((hugs to you and Holy Coast Wife)) as you deal with the long-term arrangements that may need to be made. Presently our family is going through the hospice phase with my husband's grandmother. No fun.

Bob Hughes said...

Praying for Holy Coast Dad and the entire Moore family...

Laura said...

Prayers being said...so sorry to hear of the tough time for your family, especially your dad.

Best wishes,

Rick Jensen said...

Prayers to you and your family Rick and especially HC Dad. Take care!

Mary said...

Thoughts and prayers to the Holy Coast family.... wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

Ann's New Friend said...

Just want to add my prayers to the others. May God watch over the entire Holycoast family and keep you strong.

Anonymous said...

I want to thank all of the wonderful people who are praying for our family. God has given us so many special people in our lives. Just know that we appreciate the concern and the prayers.
May God richly bless you!
Ann Moore
(Rick's Mom)