HolyCoast: Health Care Quote of the Day
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Health Care Quote of the Day

From the president, trying to make the case for the public option health plan that would compete with private insurers:
As long as they have a good product and the government plan has to sustain itself through premiums and other non-tax revenue, private insurers should be able to compete with the government plan, Obama said.

"They do it all the time," he said. "UPS and FedEx are doing just fine. ... It's the Post Office that's always having problems."
Oh, you mean the government run entity that's now closing 700 branches after once again raising postal rates? That post office?

That's not exactly how you build confidence in a government run....anything.


Rick Jensen said...

BO will reflect on this and think to himself " I acted stupidly"!

hire said...

Nobody has a problem but the post office having the problem.....