HolyCoast: Manson Follower Released from Prison
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Friday, August 14, 2009

Manson Follower Released from Prison

Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme has apparently served her debt to society:
Former Manson family member Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme has been released from prison 30 years after a failed assassination attempt on then President Gerald Ford.

Fromme, now 60, left the Federal Medical Center Carswell in Fort Worth at about 8 a.m. Friday, according to a statement from Carswell spokeswoman Dr. Maria Douglas.

Fromme was convicted in 1975 of attempting to assassinate Ford.

On the morning of September 5, 1975, a 26-year-old Fromme went to Sacramento's Capitol Park (reportedly to plead with President Gerald Ford about the plight of the California redwoods) dressed in a nun-like red robe and armed with a .45 Colt semi-automatic pistol, that she pointed at Ford.

The pistol's magazine was loaded with four rounds, but none were in the firing chamber.

She was immediately restrained by Secret Service agents, and while she was being further restrained and handcuffed, managed to say a few sentences to the on-scene cameras, emphasizing that the gun did not "go off".

Fromme subsequently told The Sacramento Bee that she had deliberately ejected the cartridge in her weapon's chamber before leaving home that morning, and investigators later found a .45 ACP cartridge in her bathroom.

After a lengthy trial in which she refused to cooperate with her own defense, she was convicted of the attempted assassination of the president and received a life sentence under a 1965 law which specified a maximum sentence of life in prison for attempted presidential assassinations.

Just weeks after Fromme's assassination attempt, another Manson "Family" member, Sara Jane Moore, also tried to kill the president.

Moore was released from prison earlier this year.
I remember that time very well. It seemed like somebody was pointing a gun at Ford every few days, and given the turmoil the country was already in following Watergate, it was a tumultuous time.


Dr. B said...

Now what does this 60 year old woman, who most likely never had a job in her life, do to support herself?? I cannot see her being hired by even WalMart in this job market!!

Nightingale said...

She can go work for Obama. After all she only tried to kill a Republican president.

jan said...

Boy, did this article bring back memories!! Between that and Woodstock I am having quite a bit of odd deja vu...She was quite a piece of work! So glad that she has been locked up all these years.

Real Estate NYC said...

Great Article!!! I was very happy to ready it all. thanks for the info.