HolyCoast: Meeting the People Vol 17
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Monday, August 10, 2009

Meeting the People Vol 17

What happens when a Democrat addresses a large town hall crowd and tells the people he doesn't support Obamacare? Not much.
Initially Massa’s staff decided to move a health care town hall meeting from Mendon Town Hall to the Mendon Community Center to accommodate more constituents. And that venue, with a capacity of around 100, proved nowhere near big enough either: About 500 people gathered to hear the congressman’s thoughts on health care reform, forcing a move to a shelter...

The meeting focused on health care reform and the bill, with constituents listening to Massa’s views and asking questions.

“I actually have read this bill,” Massa said, earning cheers from the crowd — many seemed delighted when he announced, “If I had to vote today on this document, I would not vote for it.”

Some wondered why Democrats are in a hurry to get the bill through.

“I’m the guy who fought to slow this process down,” Massa said.

Massa said he doesn’t like that the bill would be funded by cuts in Medicaid and Medicare or the cost-sharing aspect in which New York would pick up 10 percent of the cost.

“As a New Yorker, I cannot support that,” Massa said.
Hmm. Thoughtful consideration of a bill that's highly unpopular with his constituents, putting him at odds with congressional leadership. He may get a cool welcome back to D.C., but at least the home folks might consider sending him back there in 2010. Other Democrats should take notice.

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