HolyCoast: Obamacare Health Tip of the Day - Don't Lick Your Flip-Flops
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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obamacare Health Tip of the Day - Don't Lick Your Flip-Flops

In preparation for Obamacare, the nationalized health system that will heal everybody young enough to be a contributor to the tax base, I'll be providing some helpful health care tips. Here's today's:
They're a popular summer shoe, but your flip flops may be harboring potentially deadly bacteria.

Two New York Daily News reporters recently tested their flip flops after walking around the city for four days and found that the rubber shoes picked up about 18,100 bacteria of the five most prevalent varieties found. Among the bacteria detected was the potentially deadly Staphylococcus aureus.

Scientists say Staph aureus can cause skin infections just from contact. But, they say, if it enters the bloodstream and goes undetected, it can kill you.

Other bacteria found on the flip flops included Aerococcus viridans and Rothia mucilaginosa -- which normally reside in the mouth.

Experts say that means people are spitting, and if they're sick you could catch their illness.

But, it's not just human-caused bacteria. Since the city is often strewn with garbage, rats and cockroaches, you'll often find more bacteria.

Dr. Charles P. Gerba -- professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona -- says that 93 percent of flip flops will have fecal bacteria after three months of wear, and 20 percent will have E. coli.
How are you going to build up any helpful antibodies if you stay away from all the germs?


Nightingale said...

I heard the bottom of women's purses is loaded with bacteria...so don't put your purse on the kitchen table.

The article sited might make me reconsider taking my shoes off at the front door, but that is all.

nobody said...

A: This is not science, it's scare tactics.
B: What does any of this have to do with Obama?