HolyCoast: Of Course Obama Wants Single-Payer Health Care
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Monday, August 10, 2009

Of Course Obama Wants Single-Payer Health Care

No matter what Linda Douglass or any of the other White House shills tell you, the Obamacare health plan is designed as a step toward a full government-run single-payer system. Michael Barone's column, Government Health Care in Stealth Mode, provides the evidence:
One video is worth a thousand words (or, as in this column, about 730). The video in question, put together by a group called Verum Serum, shows public statements by three advocates of single-payer (government monopoly) health insurance explaining that a health care bill with a "government option" would move America toward a single-payer government health care system. You may not have heard of the first two, Rep. Jan Schakowsky and professor Jacob Hacker. But you have heard of the third, President Barack Obama.

Read the rest of it and check out the video at the link.. I'm sure Michael is being reported to the White House snitch line.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

You're a good man, Rick. Part of the great new American Revolution, getting the facts out there, buzzing it up. God bless you.