HolyCoast: Sports Shorts
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sports Shorts

I watched two interesting sports stories while camped out at the hospital today:
- Tiger Woods might just be a mere mortal after all. My hat's off to South Korean Y.E. Yang who came from 2 back to beat him by 3. Had Tiger sunk even half the putts that rimmed the lip before rolling away he would have skunked the field. It wasn't his day.
- I saw the 60 Minutes interview with Michael Vick. I can't really read that guy well enough to tell whether he's sincerely repentant about his actions in the brutal dog fighting business. He's certainly paid a steep price in terms of real dollars and his personal reputation.
Do I think he deserves a second chance once he's paid his debt to society? Sure. Would I hire him to play for my team or represent my company? Not a chance. He's a public relations toxic waste dump and the Eagles are going to hear it wherever they go. Nobody will want him endorsing their products.
Good luck with all that.

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