HolyCoast: Thinking the Unthinkable
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Friday, August 14, 2009

Thinking the Unthinkable

{whispering} We might win big in 2010:
It's a possibility many Republicans speak of only in whispers and Democrats are just now beginning to face. After passionate and contentious fights over health care, the environment, and taxes, could Democrats lose big -- really big -- in next year's elections?

Ask them about it, and many Democrats will point to the continued personal popularity of Barack Obama. But that's not the story. "I think what's going to happen is Obama's going to be fine, and the Democrats in Congress are going to get their asses kicked in 2010," says one Democratic strategist who prefers not to be named.

"This is following a curve like the Clinton years: take on really controversial things early, fail, or succeed partially, ask Democrats to take really tough votes, and then lose. A lot of guys are going to get beat, but the president has time to recover."

Most Republican hope focuses on the House of Representatives, but even there they have a huge job ahead. Democrats control 256 seats, and Republicans 178. Forty seats would have to change hands for Republicans to take charge.

On the other hand, 52 seats turned over when the GOP won the House in 1994. And even if Republicans don't get the 40 they need in 2010, they could dramatically narrow the gap between the parties, giving Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership less room to operate.
According to Ace, liberal Nate Silver's polling suggests the GOP is on track to win 20-50 seats in the House next year. I'll bet it will be closer to the high end of that range.


Ann's New Friend said...

We have our work cut out for us, but if ever there was a chance -- this is it.

The Democrats have been over-reaching like crazy. And here's a chance to use their central theme against them. Abortion is their "jewel in the crown." Well, Americans have been against abortion for a long time.

Do you want people who think it's okay to kill an innocent child to decide your fate? Obama thinks we should trust him with health care?

He was against Born Alive. He wanted the end of life discussions to begin at conception. He still thinks the end of life discussions are okay even when a baby is lying there of the exam table, in perfect innocence, alive and breathing, having survived abortion.

Trust him? Does he think we're nuts?

He didn't want his daughters "punished with a baby."

Maybe he doesn't want America "punished with a bunch of old sick people."

Time to get these people back in the public sector. Let them work for a living.

Nightingale said...

Ann's right. But we should focus on "partial birth abortion" first. That procedure is so abominably cruel and heinous, most people would find it hard to justify, especially if it were described to them.

Baby steps...no pun intended.

Ann's New Friend said...

I made a little parody of Obama that I'd like to share:


(Don't know whose artwork depicts Dr. Obama, but kudos to them!)