HolyCoast: "Victimized" White House Resorts to Email Spam
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Victimized" White House Resorts to Email Spam

Do you find email spam convincing? The White House thinks you will:
Feeling victimized by misinformation spread virally through the Internet, the White House Thursday is launching its own "viral e-mail" for supporters to spread.

With the subject line: "Something worth forwarding," the e-mail -- from senior White House adviser David Axelrod -- seeks to combat "the viral e-mails that fly unchecked and under the radar, spreading all sorts of lies and distortions" and invites Americans to "start a chain e-mail of our own."

The e-mail outlines 24 points -- eight ways the Democrats' health care reform measures will, in Axelrod's view, "provide security and stability to those with or without coverage," eight "common myths" about reform, and eight reasons why reform is an urgent matter.

The e-mail also features a Web video from White House health care reform czar Nancy-Ann DeParle in which she refutes an opposition viral e-mail sent to one of her White House colleagues from his father, a physician.

DeParle then proceeds to refute points in the email (which, it appears, has made its way into Pat Boone's in-box), claims such as "the government will have direct real-time access to bank accounts," that all doctors will be paid the same regardless of speciality, and the notion that employers must enroll employees into the government run plan.

"This is probably one of the longest e-mails I’ve ever sent," Axelrod acknowledges at the beginning of the message. He explains that "it could be the most important."
I don't believe the White House's intentions with Obamacare are any more honorable than the intentions of the various Nigerian princes who send me email spam. They both fall pretty much into the same category.

UPDATE: Major Garrett asked an interesting question:

Major Garrett At Press Conference: Why Are People Who Have Never Visited, or Signed Up for Alerts from, the White House Sites Getting Emails from the White House and David Axelrod on Health Care?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The problem is in part that spam works.. 1-5% will actually send money to that Nubian princess and 1-5% will by that Viagra. There will always be dumb people. Regardless it is too easy to email harvest thousands of emails from the web. If you have a craigslist account, if you ever posted your email ANYWHERE, EVER we probably have it already. Now I specialize in targeted mass email or "spam". I should work for government lol. 1 to 5 % of people that got that email as long as there was at least 1,500 emails sent out then it worked. Its The LAW of averages and it is a natural law for a reason. People are susceptible and believe what you tell them at least a few will believe and that few is enough to either gain power or make money. The choice is yours