HolyCoast: Well, It's Official. Dissent Is Now un-American
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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Well, It's Official. Dissent Is Now un-American

Just as recently as January 19th of this year dissent was the highest form of patriotism. Then suddenly, something happened and dissent suddenly was no longer welcome. In fact, according to Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer, the top two Democrats in the House, dissent is now un-American:
These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American. Drowning out the facts is how we failed at this task for decades.

Health care is complex. It touches every American life. It drives our economy. People must be allowed to learn the facts.

The first fact is that health insurance reform will mean more patient choice. It will allow every American who likes his or her current plan to keep it. And it will free doctors and patients to make the health decisions that make the most sense, not the most profits for insurance companies.

Reform will mean stability and peace of mind for the middle class. Never again will medical bills drive Americans into bankruptcy; never again will Americans be in danger of losing coverage if they lose their jobs or if they become sick; never again will insurance companies be allowed to deny patients coverage because of pre-existing conditions.

Well, that was a sack full of bovine excrement. The whole USA Today piece is laughable.

When Code Pink was shouting down congressional hearings or speeches by prominent Republicans, where was Nancy and Steny's outrage?

One of the main reasons for the passionate opposition to Obamacare is that people are either not getting the real truth about the bill, or nobody knows the real truth because nobody's read it. It's a bad program, it won't do what it's promised to do, it will cost way too much, and it will put the private insurance industry out of business.

What's not to like?

Keep protesting, folks. We've got them on the run.


Anonymous said...

You've got no one "on the run".

Anonymous said...

Is your grasp of the English language poor or are you just exhibting phony outrage? I can't tell. The title and content of your diary entry is completely at odds with Pelosi's actual quote. Her quote "Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American" means that those who don't allow the other side to state their case are un-American, which is completely at odds with your interpretation "Those who offer an opposing viewpoint are un-American". You need to improve your reading ability and your logic skills. I also find it ironic that a so-called "Conservative" is asking for handouts (Cash for bloggers). I believe in working for your money. Have a pleasant evening.

Rick Moore said...

Blogging IS work. Try it sometime, smart ass. And next time, don't hide behind "Anonymous". I put my name on my opinions and unless you're ashamed of your stand, you should too.

Greg said...

Blogging is a hobby. Building model airplanes takes work too but that doesn't mean you see them begging for money. And yes, I've posted many blogs before, and no, it never occured to me, nor did I have an inkling of an urge to beg for money. By-the-way, I believe in privacy, and don't feel that a statement is precluded from having any merit simply because there isn't someone's full name attached. If you choose to be ignorant that's your choice, and you reserve the right to ignore my comments. Have a pleasant evening.

Rick Moore said...

Eat your heart out "Greg". That little button paid for my laptop. Some people appreciate the effort. If you don't, that's your problem, not mine.

Billy said...

I never said you can't be an e-begger. I just found it amusing is all.