HolyCoast: 42% Think a Random Group Chosen From the Phone Book Would be Better Than Current Congress
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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

42% Think a Random Group Chosen From the Phone Book Would be Better Than Current Congress

This is not a parody, but an actual poll from Rasmussen:
Forty-two percent (42%) of U.S. voters say a group of people randomly selected from the phone book would do a better job than the current Congress. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that an identical number (42%) disagree, but 16% are not sure.

Last fall, just 33% thought the random group could do as good a job.

Today, Republicans by a two-to-one margin believe that the phone book sample would be better than the current Democratic-controlled Congress. Democrats, by a similar margin, have the opposite view. A slight plurality of those not affiliated with either major party say the randomly selected group would do a better job.
There are times when I think a random selection of monkeys from the San Diego Zoo would do a better job than the current congress.


Ann's New Friend said...

You know about The One's "pledge" video -- I want to make my pledge here at Holy Coast --

I pledge to work for the election of conservatives in Congress and to send the Community Organizer in Chief back to Chicago; I pledge to do whatever I can to restore liberty to the United States of America; I pledge to do whatever it takes not to have to listen to any more inane videos created by Hollywood Airheads urging me to worship their phoney false prophet in the White House. I pledge to work for the restoration of privacy in American life, for individuality, for an end of Groupthink, for a return to the principles of the United States Constitution as envisioned by the nation's wise and prudent founders.

For, my fellow citizens, I am sick of this:


Who's with me? (And pass the barf bag, please ....)

Desert Man said...

Some monkey's appear to be quite intelligent, more than can be said for a number of member's in Congress. Besides, some monkeys are quite interesting and amusing to watch, better than viewing Pelosi and Reid.

Goofy Dick said...

Ann's New Friend: Good post, you can count me in! The empty suit has got to go at any cost.

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